Matchmaking has-been increasingly popular lately, and it’s really not surprising that why

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Matchmaking has-been increasingly popular lately, and it’s really not surprising that why

Matchmaking has-been increasingly popular lately, and it’s really not surprising that why

255. __________. U haiu, haiu vitru nemaie / muz. V. Hrudina ; vyk. M.P. Platonov, artyst Kyivs’koho derzh. teatru, opery ta baletu im. Tarasa Shevchenka, H. Nykolaienko, piano [sound recording]. [Moskva] : iati 1905 g., 8612 V. Urk 16, 1939. DLC, Berger Collection.

256. __________. Zakuvala zozulen’ka / muz. V. Hrudina ; vyk. Zoia Haidai, soprano, H. Nykolaienko, piano. [sound recording]. [Moskva] : iati 1905 grams. 8610 V – Ukr 16., 1939. step one voice disc. : analog, 78 rpm, mono. ; ten during the. DLC, Berger Collectionmemorating : T. Shevchenko 1814-1939.

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257. Afanas’iev-Chuzhbyns’kyi, Oleksander. Vospominanie o T.G. Shevchenke. S.-Peterburg : v tipografii N. Tiblena we Komi, 1861. 39 p. ; 25 cm. L.C. set incomplete: safeguards forgotten. PG3948.S5Z53

259. Akademiia nauk URSR. Kyiv. Instytut istorii. Istorychni pohliady T. H. Shevchenka. Kyiv : “Nauk. dumka”, 1964. 241 p. : sick., facsim, vent. ; 21 cm. PG3948.S5Z5415

260. Akademiia nauk URSR. Kyiv. Instytut literatury. Lysty manage T. H. Shevchenka, 1840-1861. [Vidpovidal’nyi redaktor Web browser. P. Kyryliuk. Uporiadkuvannia, peredmova ta prymitky L. F. Kodats’koi] Kyiv : Vyd-vo Akademii nauk Ukr. RSR, 1962. 331 p. ; 23 cm. PG3948.S5Z542

261. __________. Instytut movoznavstva. Dzherela movnoi maisternosti T. H. Shevchenka. Kyiv : Vyd-vo Akademii nauk Ukr. RSR, 1964. 161 p. ; 23 cm. PG3948.S5Z543

262. ___________, Kyiv. Instytut movoznavstva. Slovnyk movy Shevchenka.Kyiv : “Nauk. dumka”, 1964. 2 v. ; twenty-two cm. Contents : T. We : A – Letter. 484 p.T. II: O – IA. 566 p. PG3948.S5Z544

263. ___________, Kyiv. Instytut movoznavstva, fol’kloru we etnohrafii. Mystets’ka spadshchyna T. H. Shevchenka; materialy, prysviacheni doslidzhenniu tvorchosti Shevchenka-khudozhnyka. [Vidpovidal’nyi redaktor IA.P. Zatenats’kyi]. Kyiv : Vyd-vo Akademii nauk Ukr. RSR. vyp the most beautiful Richmond, LA girl sexy. step 1. 1959. 73 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. ND699.S48A75

264. __________. Kyiv.Instytut mystetstvoznavstva, fol’kloru i etnografii. Narod i Shevchenko. Kyiv : Vyd-vo Akademii nauk Ukr. RSR, 1963. 366 p. : sick., ports. ; 21 cm.PG3926.A315

265. __________. Kyiv. Tsentral’na naukova biblioteka. Viddil rukopysiv. T. H. Shevchenko v epistoliarii Viddilu rukopysiv. [Uporiadkuvaly: M.P. Vizyr (kerivnyk), A.H. Adamenko, We.D. Lysochenko, I.V. Shubyns’kyi. Vidpovidal’nyi redaktor F.K. Sarana]. Kyiv : “Nauk. dumka”, 1966. 491 p. : unwell., facsims., harbors. ; twenty-two cm. Bibliographical footnotes. PG3948.S51 A7

266. Alieksieieva, Halyna. Biohrafiia T. H. Shevchenka. Kyiv : Derzh. literaturne vyd-vo, 1939. 67 p. : vent. ; fifteen cm. PG3948.S5Z556

267. Al’tman, P. T. H. Sheuchenka; biiahrafochny narys. Mensk : Vyd-virtual assistant Akademii Navuk BSSR. 1939. 64 p. : unwell. ; 17 cm. At head out of label: Akademiia navuk BSSR. PG3948.S5Z553

269. Andrievskii, Aleksei A good. Pominki Tarasa Grigor’evicha Shevchenka 25-wade fevralia 1879 goda v Odesse. Sost. Good.T. Odessa : Tip. “Novor. Telegrafa”, 1879. 63 p. ; 18 cm. PG3948.S5Z554

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270. Anisov, Vasyl’ Fedorovych. Litopys zhyttia i tvorchosti T. H.Shevchenka. Kyiv : Derzh. vyd-vo khudozh. lit-ry, 1959. 457 p. : sick., harbors. ; 23 cm. In the head away from term: V. Anisov, Web browser. Sereda. “Shevchenka collection”: p. 403-. PG3948.S5Z556

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